inside the deadly sins series

meet the characters

Violet Sutton. 19. Scorpio. 
Has fairly severe mommy issues and  prone to temper tantrums. Her sass should have unalived her by now, but alas, she's still here with us. A regular at making friends with foreigners. Depressed because her brother is in the Sins. Will pummel you for a sweet treat. Won't think twice about punching someone in the face. Gets kicked out of bars and steals trinkets frequently. 


Jelan Gregory, 20, Virgo.
Gets her own POV.   Has a massive sweet tooth and will plasbomb her city for pancakes. Likes the daddies. Has scarred hands but is making history with them.  Is shy but also a number one hater.


Jack Marin. 25. Leo.
City Commander of Calesal. Deemed the sexiest man alive in the city. Has spilled quite a bit of blood and will continue to do it. Has a tragic past but an even more tragic personality (because he's too spectacular). His favorite past times are teasing Violet, saving her life, flirting with Rio, and reluctantly accepting Anaya.  His favorite food is puss—


Anaya. 18. Taurus. 
A half-human, half-Endolier and born in the world of Iveyrez (Envy). She is one of said foreigners, and is rather short, but it doesn't make her less deadly. Has cool scales and night vision. Deeply loyal and likes to behead things. 


Hira. 23. Gemini. 
Potions master, herbalist, and apothecary owner. Close friends with Jelan. A thicc girl that can command a rooms attention with both her juicy ass and her snarky, no-filter mouth. Usually teasing Kole or reading beauty articles. Regularly sells fraudulent penile growth supplements to men she hates. 


meet the characters

Rio Gaverra. 22. Libra. 
Tall and lanky, but good with a bow and arrow. Has IBS and most likely undiagnosed ADD. Has a significant medical background as a nurse that makes him useful. Has many hot takes and long-winded stories about being the eldest of six sisters. An affectionate and protective friend. Regular groupie. 



Deserts. Dunes. Droans. Dying. 

listen to the wrath inspired playlist here


Home of the beautiful, wonderful, and rightful Inaj. 

listen to the gluttony inspired playlist here


Quinams, Lovuphal, Jonxai, and Auriens. Lots of sex and drugs. 

listen to the lust inspired playlist here


The enigma.

listen to the pride inspired playlist here


Home of the Endoliers. A murky, jungle-like world. 

listen to the envy inspired playlist here


Oh, to be a pirate mermaid trapped in a delicious island world. 

listen to the sloth inspired playlist here


The end all, be all. The reason for our world's rise and inevitable fall. 

listen to the greed inspired playlist here

the 7 deadly sins

map of calesal

map of the twin cities